Brighton Parking (formerly Brighton Industrial Park)/Public Engagement Meeting; Case Nos. CD-CPC-2023-00151
Brighton Parking (formerly Brighton Industrial Park)/Public Engagement Meeting; Case Nos. CD-CPC-2023-00151 The new application recently filed would eliminate the two industrial buildings, and allow for the development of the property for a parking facility for Ford Transit vehicles. This public meeting is an opportunity for you to come and learn more about the Development Plan and discuss theses plans with…
Closed Labor Day – September 4, 2023

Office & Maintenance will be closed on Monday, September 4, 2023 in observance of the Labor Day Holiday. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. Have a Safe & Happy Holiday Weekend!
KCPD’s Response to Break-ins & Theft of Kia’s & Hyundai’s

Reposted from the Kansas City, MO Police Department Website In response to the increasing incidents of vehicle theft, Kia and Hyundai are providing steering wheel locks for the listed years and models of vehicles. If your vehicle qualifies, you can be obtain a lock from any KCPD Division Station or the Community Engagement Division located at Police Headquarters – 1125…
NBT Mower 2023

Our North Brighton Lawn Mower for 2023: Tonilynn Shoff 816-819-7623 Please call or text if you are in need of your yard being mowed. ***Please do not call the office phone to schedule***
Good Neighbor Nomination

North Brighton is always looking for Good Neighbors! Do you have a neighbor who has done something nice for you? Has one of your neighbors been there in a time of need? Nominate a member who exemplifies the North Brighton Townhouses spirit of cooperation through his or her thoughtful acts to help others. The winner of the Good Neighbor Award…
NBT Lawn Mowers Needed

Needing to make some quick cash this summer? Want to set your own pay rate? Looking to set your own hours? Sign up to be a Lawn Mower at North Brighton Townhouses! You set your pay rate for how much you charge per yard, and your own hours! We’ll put your name and number in the Brightoneer as a Lawn…
No Availability at North Brighton Townhouses, Inc.

As of 3/10/2023, North Brighton currently has no units available. North Brighton’s Board of Directors has chosen to close the waitlist due the number of people waiting and having no units available. For the unforeseeable future, the waitlist will remained closed, and we will not be able to take any new applicants. Should you have any questions, feel free to…
North Brighton’s Annual Meeting

Mark your calendars now! Annual Meeting is March 12, 2023 at 2:00pm! Be there or be square!