These questions and answers are taken from questions asked at Board meetings, of office and maintenance staff, and from other sources. If you have a question that you don’t see answered here please let us know so we can add it.
1. Isn’t North Brighton Townhouses just like an apartment complex?
No, it has many advantages. A a member in a cooperative you have a say in how the cooperative is run by electing the Board of Directors and attending membership meetings.
2. Why does the property have so many maintenance people?
Our cooperative has 378 units and our maintenance staff is responsible for the inside and outside of all of them, as well as the grounds. Move-outs often take more work than you would imagine as the units have to be rehabbed up to current standards. Our units are 40+ years old even though they don’t look like it…and this is due in part to our maintenance staff as well as our members who take pride in our cooperative.
3. Why aren’t anonymous complaints processed?
Our cooperative is run on democratic principles and there is a grievance procedure in place. To properly investigate a complaint, the Board must have written evidence to act on since complaints can end up in court. This process assists the Board in providing equal treatment for all involved.
4. If I see something suspicious should I call the police or security?
If in doubt call both, but always security. Security does random patrols and responds to calls from 7:30 pm to 4:30 am each night. It is very helpful to the cooperative if you call security and have them file a report. This goes to the board and management and helps them keep track of any potential problem areas. Call the police for any emergencies or illegal activity.
5. Why does the Cooperative care how much my improvements cost and require me to submit receipts?
One of the Board’s responsibilities is to support the marketability of the property. By verifying improvement costs, the true values are monitored and kept at affordable levels.
6. When are furnace filters changed?
Reusable furnace filters are cleaned by maintenance at no charge. Contact the office to place a work order.
7. Will maintenance replace my light bulbs?
Maintenance will only replace light bulbs in porch lights & interior entryway ceiling fan lights.
8. Why do we have speed bumps?
Speed bumps are used to slow down the traffic for everyone’s safety.
9. Is our water free?
No. The co-op pays for its water use as do its members in their carrying charge.
10. When must Holiday lights be taken down?
Holiday lights must be taken down by February 1st.
11. How are after hours maintenance calls processed?
When you call the answering service you provide your name, address and phone number. The maintenance person on call will contact you before coming out to ascertain the nature of the problem.
12. What are the lockout charges?
$10 during office hours and $20 after office hours and weekends.
13. Can I purchase a membership and let my family or friends live there?
If you purchase a membership, you must live in the townhouse. You may have others live with you if you make the request through the office and follow proper procedure. However, North Brighton requires that the member(s) occupy the unit 100% of the time.