Resident Advisory – COVID-19
Shared from Tailor Made Property Services
Resident Advisory
March, 2020
Your safety, health, and well-being are of the utmost importance to us. We understand that there are many concerns around Novel Coronavirus 2019 and we want to assure you that we are doing all that we can to protect our residents and prevent the spread of disease. We are committed to doing our part to keep you healthy and will continue to communicate any changes in service to you as quickly as possible.
Cleaning and education
Increased frequency and deep cleaning of hard surfaces in common areas – countertops, doorknobs, and the like. Increased hand sanitizer dispensers in the lobby and other common areas, including frequent maintenance to ensure the dispensers remain operational.
Additional signage posted to educate you on how to prevent the spread of infection.
Things residents can do to help slow the spread of this pandemic
- Wash your hands frequently – especially after touching doorknobs or pushing elevator buttons – and follow proper hand-washing procedures:
- Using warm water and soap, wash hands for 20 seconds.
- Use hand sanitizer with at least 60-95% alcohol.
- If you feel ill, stay in your unit and let building management know you are feeling sick by calling us at 816-454-2500. Separate yourself from other residents and pets.
- If you need to leave your unit to go to a doctor, please wear a mask over your nose and mouth (or in the absence of a mask, use a scarf or handkerchief) and disposable gloves. Discard these items upon return and/or wash immediately.
- Any co-residents should use a face mask and or gloves when in the same room as you.
- Do not use public transportation, ride sharing, or taxis.
- Do not enter any public areas in the building.
- Before leaving to go to the doctor, call ahead to let them know if you may have been exposed to a virus.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue and discard immediately in a lined trashcan and wash your hands immediately afterwards following the steps noted above.
- Do not share personal items (dishes, utensil, cups, bedding, towels, etc.)
- Clean all high-touch surfaces every day.