Brighton Parking (formerly Brighton Industrial Park)/Public Engagement Meeting; Case Nos. CD-CPC-2023-00151
Brighton Parking (formerly Brighton Industrial Park)/Public Engagement Meeting; Case Nos. CD-CPC-2023-00151
The new application recently filed would eliminate the two industrial buildings, and allow for the development of the property for a parking facility for Ford Transit vehicles.
This public meeting is an opportunity for you to come and learn more about the Development Plan and discuss theses plans with the developer’s representatives. You can read more about the process requirements at If you would like further information on this proposed project, please visit Kansas City’s planning and permitting system, Compass KC at You may search by project type and address/case number to find project details. I am also including a number of individuals as cc’s on this notice who were previously involved in our discussions.
This public meeting will be held by Zoom conference call on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.
Join the Zoom Meeting at Call-in instructions are as follows:
Meeting ID: 811 9775 5764
Passcode: 651537
Or dial: (312) 626-6799
Any questions or concerns can be addressed to:
Name: Patricia R. Jensen
Phone: 816-502-4723
Title/Role: Attorney
Company: Rouse Frets White Goss Gentile Rhodes, P.C.
Representing: Precision Vehicle Holdings
We anticipate the Application will be heard by the City Plan Commission on Tuesday, November 7, 2023.